Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 In Te Maunga we have been doing astronomy. We learnt about stars, the Moon and the Sun. Star and the Sun are made of hydrogen gas. One thing I liked learning about was doing my poster because it was easy. Do you like astronomy?

Team building!

 In Te Maunga we have been team building! We learnt about how to do team work. I learnt how to do team work by cooperating and listening to be successful. My favourite part was working together with my friends and the activities we did. Do you like team building?

Monday, June 14, 2021


In Te Maunga we did  Hauora. My favourite part was doing the Scratch animation. One thing I liked learning about was plants because I learned how to plant one. The Hauora slides made me really think about what I need to write about and what I should do. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Character Description

 In Te Maunga we did T-Shaped Literacy about character descriptions. We had to use describing words, verbs and metaphors to describe our character. My favourite part was drawing the characters. Next time I will do my character description better because I know how to do it.

Statistics Investigation

 n Te Maunga we did a statistics investigation. I learnt the steps to gather data.  First you go around the classroom asking what their favorite number is. Then we added all the data together. Then we made a google sheet and we put all our data. We used tally charts and bar graphs to do our work.My favourite part was gathering data from everyone. If we did this project again I would make it better next time by finishing my work quicker.